I often get asked how I’ve managed to find the time to start painting and run In Full Color Creations all while looking after a large family, homeschooling, and living overseas. So for this blog post I thought I would share some things that have helped me over the years to be brave and to take the steps needed to branch out into new areas and start something new.
Starting or learning something new can be a bit intimidating, and even an overwhelming prospect for many of us. It is easy find a list of excuses to never begin anything. Here are a few I have used the most over the years.
“I’m too busy! I don’t have the time!”
“I can’t do it. I don’t know how.”
“What if I’m really bad at it!”
Do they sound familiar? I can’t tell you how many times I allowed these excuses to keep me from doing things that I really wanted to do. But then it finally hit me. Although those statements felt very true, I realised that I was allowing them to keep me in a place of inaction and making it impossible for me to grow and pursue my interests and passions. Not to mention that line of thinking is no fun at all.
Tip 1: Move past the Excuses!
So let’s start by first addressing these things we tell ourselves and that keep us from taking that all important first step into our new adventure. We are moving past the excuses friends! Are you ready?
“I don’t have the time.” We are all busy busy people! It can be exhausting to juggle responsibilities; work, and relationships. I get it! But let’s be real here for a minute. We make time for the things that are important to us. So the question is how important is it to you? Only you can answer this question. But consider this, if it is something that you have thought about for years, a long time interest or something that helps you re-connect with your inner self then I would suggest that it is important enough to make time for. Setting time aside to pursue our interests and passions is a form of self care. If you would like to learn more about self care and some practical strategies you can use to incorporate it into your daily life read my last blog post. Ultimately, you need to decide that you are worth prioritising.
“I can’t do it. I don’t know how.”, “What if I’m really bad at it?” Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could be great at everything we did, the first time we did it! But honestly, if you don’t know how to do something right now, it is most likely because you have never taken the time to try and learn the skills. We may even be really bad at it until we learn more, keep trying and practicing. Does being bad at something mean that we shouldn’t do it? No! Would we tell a child that is learning to ride a bike and keeps falling off to just give up? No we wouldn’t because we want to them feel the accomplishment of having learned to do something challenging and fun. And the same goes for us! Imagine how great it will feel to know that you worked hard and mastered it! The truth is, we don’t know what we can actually do until we try.
So now that we have moved passed the excuses and are ready to make the time for things that are important to us, let’s get on to the fun stuff! Starting something new should be exciting and fun, and I want to help make it just that.
Let’s start with the easy things first. Decide what your new adventure will be! You could start a new hobby, learn to play an instrument, begin running, start your own side hustle, write a blog, write a book, start a club, learn photography, pottery, painting . . . the list of ideas just keeps going friends!
If you are not sure about what you want to try, that’s okay. Maybe there is something that you’ve always thought about doing, but have never gotten around to. Or maybe you have an idea or two for a blog, product or business. Maybe now is a good time to dig a little deeper and take the next step. Or maybe you’ve had a hobby in the past but have had to abandon it for a season or two. Perhaps you can revisit something you’ve enjoyed doing in the past.
Tip 2: Make a plan and be prepared.
Now it’s time to get a bit practical. Unfortunately just thinking about starting something new isn’t enough especially if you are trying to fit it in an already busy lifestyle. By thinking through a few things it can help you get set up and ready to begin. So let’s do it! Depending on what you are starting, this can be quick and easy or a little more in depth.
Here are a few things to consider when making a plan:
When will you do it? Where can you carve out some time in your schedule? Think about where you may have a few gaps.(After work, before the kids get up, after the kids are in bed, on the weekends?) Depending on what you are hoping to begin, you don’t always need huge chunks of time set aside. Schedule it in your day! Here is a bit a real life advice for you: There is never an ideal time to start something new. If you are waiting for it, this “perfect” timing you most likely will never begin. Sometimes you just have to make it happen.
Be prepared. Do you need supplies or equipment? Where will you get them? Make a list of your essential items and make your purchases. If you are concerned about over spending, perhaps consider setting a budget and make your purchases a little at a time.
Where will you do it? Do you need to prepare a space? What does it look like? How can you get it ready?
How will you start? What does your first step look like? Be practical. Do you need to read/watch some how-to’s or get lessons? Find any resources you need. If you want some on line how-to’s here are a few of my favorite places to look. If you are looking to learn a new skill anywhere from hobbies to marketing, Skillshare has a huge variety of tutorials to help you get started. You may even find something new to consider as well. Click to get two months free access to Skillshare. And of course we can’t forget Pinterest and Youtube as gold mines of information and inspiration as well. As you are gathering your resources don’t forget to choose a couple of projects you will begin with!
Do you have an end goal? What do you want to accomplish? It’s okay if you don’t have a goal in mind! You are simply thinking a little further down the road. Sometimes it can help to have something to work towards, but it’s not always necessary.
Here is one more thing to think about before you start.
Before you begin on this new journey there is something else that needs to be talked about. And it is something that can really keep you from enjoying the process and could even keep you from pursuing it.
Tip 3: Set aside unrealistic expectations I actually can’t emphasise enough how important it is to have the right kind of expectations! Please keep any expectations you have for yourself true-to-life, keeping in mind the stage you are at, your skill level and the amount of time you have to spend pursuing this new interest. This may feel like a downer, but unrealistic expectations can kill your enthusiasm fast. And here is why. We all compare ourselves to someone or something else at some point. And nothing can dampen our excitement for starting or learning something new than feeling like we’ve failed before we had a chance to really begin.
Here is how we cheat ourselves by playing the comparison game. When we are equating ourselves to another person’s abilities or success, we also have to consider the amount of time, effort and commitment it took for them to reach the level they are at now. Unless you have invested the same things in the same way, then it is an unfair and even unhealthy comparison. Please don’t rob yourself of this experience!
Comparing to someone else can keep you from experience the joy and excitement of learning and growing and pursuing your passion. This should be celebrated! And when we are able to keep our expectations in line with our life circumstance, then we remove any pressure we may have felt to preform to someone else’ level. We can be free to learn, grow and explore in our own unique way!
Tip 4: Be Brave
Be brave as you take this next step into beginning a new adventure! Embrace where you are in life, set a plan of action in place, throw away unrealistic expectations and enjoy the process and excitement of starting something new! If this has inspired you to take that first big step leave a comment and let me know what your are starting! It’s so exciting! I’d also love to hear from you if you have some other ideas or tips to share!

A Simple Guide for Personal Growth and Self-Care
I love to cheer you on to dream big, pursue your passions, practice self-care and to grow into the person you were created to be. So in this post, I’m going to cheer you on and help you set a plan in place that you can use to see personal growth and self-care in those areas you’ve been wanting to, without the stress and anxiety that can often come with change.
Great post❤️
Thank you Rachel!
Where there is a will, there is a way.
Very good article. I definitely appreciate this website. Stick with it!
Great post.